Our Purpose.

We are dedicated to creating purposeful places that demonstrate our profound love and respect for the city of Melbourne and contribute meaningfully to its cultural, environmental and economic progress.

Our goal is not just to achieve meaningful design, but to design places and spaces that truly enrich people’s lives and offer lasting social value. We consider each project a unique opportunity to add to the rich tapestry of the city, weaving together diverse histories, traditions and perspectives.

Purpose of Place.

All great design has a purpose, and we believe a building’s design should reflect the local histories of its site – past, present and future. We pride ourselves on our informed and inclusive view of design; seeking always to go beyond mere property development to create places rich in social and cultural significance.

By delivering projects infused with a rich sense of history, purpose and longevity, we aim to enhance the vibrancy and vitality of Melbourne.

Our experience and expertise ensures every project we tackle reflects our uncompromising commitment to quality and excellence. We work hard to preserve and pay tribute to Melbourne’s remarkable history by acquainting ourselves with the stories of local communities and creating legacy-driven developments.
From conception to completion, our fundamental belief that each site, each project and each client is unique sets us aside from other developers.

Past & Future.

Purpose of People.

For over 30 years, SMA has collaborated with some of Melbourne’s most significant architects and artisans to design spaces that enrich the lives of our residents. We believe that great buildings come from understanding and prioritising the needs of the people who inhabit them.

Our projects are consciously crafted to harmonise with their surroundings and to foster strong, vibrant communities. These spaces are designed for people to live, work, and play together, creating connections and shared experiences that strengthen the social fabric of our neighbourhoods.

By focusing on the human element in our designs, we contribute to making Melbourne a more livable and thriving city, where every development enhances the quality of life for all.

Character & Culture.

Purpose of Design.

It’s been said that good buildings come from good people and all problems are solved by good design. Whether it be a hotel, commercial office, student accommodations, light industrial space, or a residential property, we seek to deliver lasting value and social impact for anyone who lives, works or visits our places.

We recognise our responsibility to work to the highest standards in the property development industry. We aim to set a new standard for innovation, sustainability, and ethics. As leaders in the market, we push the boundaries of what’s possible and demonstrate the potential for lasting social impact through purposeful design, construction and community engagement.

Through our commitment to excellence, integrity, and collaboration, we aim to create a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the industry. Whether it’s pioneering new approaches to sustainable design, championing heritage preservation, or advocating for inclusive and socially responsible development practices, we strive to be catalysts for positive transformation.

Story & Standards.